New Year, new me.
Well, kind of.
It’s officially the New Year and everyone is talking about health and fitness goals. Now, I’ve mentioned my love/hate relationship with working out in the past but I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify. There are some work-outs that I can’t get enough of — yoga, pilates, BodyROK to name a few — and some that are best left to pretty much any one but myself — cue running, biking, heavy weight lifting. I’ve learned enough about myself and my body over the years to know that as long as I get in a few days of yoga a week, maintain an active daily routine and eliminate the foods that cause me serious weight gain I can maintain a body I’m happy with. Does that mean that, like very woman, I have things I love and things I’d love to change? Absolutely! But, in general, I try to incorporate eating and lifestyle habits that are sustainable over time rather than follow every fad diet or work-out for as long as I lose interest. Goals aside, stay tuned to know one of my secrets to taking my healthy lifestyle to the next level in 2018.
2018 Secret: A little extra MOTIVation.
I’ve been looking for a new fitness tracker for a while, but everything felt so bulky and hard to incorporate into my daily wardrobe. That’s when I found the MOTIV ring fitness tracker. You see what I did there? A little extra MOTIVation. I’m in love with it. So much that I got one for Coulter as well and have been recommending them as gifts to my friends. It tracks my steps, heart rate, and sleep, plus did you notice that it doubles as a cute piece of jewelry?
Shown in this look:
MOTIV Fitness Ring in Rose Gold
LIME & VINE Carah Short Sleeve Tee in Black
LIME & VINE Selah Legging in Black
ALLBIRDS Wool Tennis Shoes
**Note: Some of these items are sold out so I’ve included my other favorites from these designers below!
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As for my 2018 health and fitness goals. I’d like to eat healthier during the day and save my indulgences for dinners with my guy. I’m going to try and get back on track for my 2 to 3 day a week yoga habit. And finally, incorporate much more dog walking, slash that, general walking into my every day routine. I do have a wedding to prepare for! Don’t forget to head over to to pick up your own fitness ring. Use my CODE: Chantelle20 to get $20 off!
Shown in this look:
Alo Yoga Ideal Long-Sleeve Top • Alo Yoga • $98
Alo Yoga High Rise Moto Leggings • Alo Yoga • $114
ALO YOGA Lark Long Sleeve • Alo Yoga • $74
Wool Loungers • Allbirds • $95
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