day in the life
of a fashion & lifestyle blogger
Have you ever wondered how bloggers take their photos, plan their shoots, how it really works, and if they shoot photos every day? Well, here’s a sneak peek into a photoshoot to let you in on how shoots work, at least in my world. While sometimes I do take photos the day I’m wearing a cute outfit, a lot of the time I set up a shoot and take pics of 3-5 outfits at the same time. That way, when I do wear them, I don’t have to make sure that I have someone to take my photo on hand. Shhhhh… don’t tell anyone. Major blogger secret revealed! This is how all of the bloggers I know do it as well, I mean who gets THAT ready every day, right? I’m currently in no makeup, sweats, drinking a coffee while I write this at home… and I plan to stay that way most of the day. You see, so often I don’t see anyone during my work day. That’s the beauty of working for yourself, you can wear sweats all day if you want. So shoots happen where I put on all the outfits at once and get dolled up. We take a bunch of photos and while a lot of the time I do go back to my favorite places I’ve visited that week, or recreate fun moments snuggling my animals, sometimes I honestly just walk around the corner from my house and snap away! Well, now you know. So, if you were feeling bad today scrolling through IG and wondering how all these people get so perfectly ready every day, now you know their little secret. My daily routine is far more low maintenance than most of my photos may make you think.
Stay beautiful, leave the house in just a little CC cream and mascara, and own it! We all do it. Want to see more behind the scenes from our day to day? I’ve included our BTS video from our photoshoot below.
With love,
What I Wore:
matching set by Stevie sisters
belt by love strength (similar here)
shoes by bedstu
What Rachel Wore:
Top by Zara (Similar here)
Plaid pants by forever21
Shoes by berksha (Similar here)
What I Wore:
dress by rahi cali (similar here)
hat by lack of color (similar here)
shoes by bedstu
What I Wore:
Palm romper by vici dolls (similar here)
shoes by vici dolls (similar here)
purse by vici dolls (similar here)
What I Wore:
dress by vici dolls (similar here)
shoes by vici dolls

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