May 31, 2018

My Bachelorette at Safari West

my second bachelorette party was pretty wild. ya know, because it was a safari. 

I have the best friends! The girls who couldn’t make it to my bachelorette weekend in San Francisco surprised me with a day trip. They showed up to my house at 7am blasting safari style jams and dancing in full safari getup out front of my door. They took me to Safari West in Santa Rosa and we had the most amazing time!!!! 

It also gave me the opportunity to rock this amazing white leather jacket by dstld that was hand-painted for my wedding day by Debby Amosa. Be sure to check out more of her custom painted clothing on Instagram (@deb_Amosa). 

Highly suggest this for part of a bachelorette weekend. It was so fun, we drank champagne on the safari jeep and toured the grounds seeing all sorts of amazing animals. The best part was that I felt so loved by my incredible friends.

Love you, Haley, Holly, Kylie, and Breana! If you want to see more from the party check out the photo diary below and Youtube video of our day. 

With love,


OUTFIT Details


Jacket: dstld (use DISCOUNT CODE: IGCP for 10% off)

Shoes: Birdies

Shorts: ASbyDF

Top: Margaret O’ Leary

Hat: Wyeth

Sunglasses: Vogue Eyewear



With love,

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