March 25, 2020

Olay Skin Perfection Serum – Before and After

Olay Skin Perfection Serum – Before and After

How to use a face serum?

Thank you, Olay for having me as a partner! #ad

Let’s start with how to use a face serum. Before or after moisturizer and other products, day/night, I was always so confused about the “proper way” to use it. You put a serum on after washing and drying your face, before any other products or moisturizers, and you can use it day and/or night! I sometimes did both day and night, and other days just did day. Depended on what I was in the mood for my night time routine!!!

Olay’s new serums!!!! Available at Target – click here.

Skin Perfection Serum

Olay just launched a few new serums! I chose the Tone Perfection Serum that has B3 and Vitamin C in it. It helps to even out your skin tone, reduce discoloration, and perk up your skin! In the time I’ve been using this product, I have seen an evening in my skin tone!!!

I took some before and after pics for you all!!! I should have been better about thinking about it and taken 0 makeup photos, BUT you live and you learn 😉 I only ever wear cc cream (a very very light foundation basically) so you can still see a change!!!


After 2 weeks of use


Reminder: Olay made a promise to zero skin retouching in advertising photos. Showing real results and real faces!!! I absolutely love this!!!

You may or may not know: I too NEVER photoshop any of my photos. I like to keep things as authentic as possible for you all, always!!!!

Where can I buy the serums to try them for myself?

Glad you asked!!!!! I linked the new Olay Serums here for you!!!

Wrinkle Correction Serum

Skin Perfection Serum

Deep Hydration Serum

Thank you again to Olay for allowing me to be part of this campaign!!! …and as always, all opinion are my own. I ALWAYS try out products and make sure I love them before agreeing to share with you all (and yes, there have been various brands that I have turned down because I wasn’t in love with the product personally). So, rest assured I do always and will always continue to only share the things I personally like to use with you all!!!

With love, Chantelle Paige-Mulligan

With love,


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