So, let me start out by saying I am SO sorry I’ve been behind on Mommy Monday posts! I have some fun stuff happening and will talk about it in next weeks post so it makes sense why I’ve been a little busy and behind (other than you know, juggling being a mom and working in general ;p haha).
Massage at home YAY!?!
It’d been a CRAZY busy week and my loving husband suggested that I order a Soothe to our house (if you haven’t tried this, it’s amazing. It’s like postmates but in massage form!). We were hanging out with Senna on the couch when the masseuse rang our doorbell. To preface this encounter, please note that Senna was wearing nothing but a diaper.
Me: “Hi, come on in”
Her: “Your baby is so cute, how old?”
Me: “Awww thanks, 4 months”
Her: “He’s a boy, right?”
Me: “No, she’s a girl.. but I mean all babies kind of look the same at this age, since they don’t have hair yet”
Her: “But no, it really looks like boy!!”
Falling off my high (rocking) horse
COOL COOL COOL. Thanks lady, I tried to give you an out for calling my little girl a boy and you CLEARLY didn’t take it. HAHAHAH!!! Well, that’s the day I fell off my high (rocking) horse, so-to-speak. Also, I apologize in advance for all the bows that are now going to constantly appear on my daughters head just so this mixup doesn’t crush my soul again ;p
Comment below, or feel free to comment it on my Instagram!!!
Sorry for the short Mommy Monday, but I adore you guys and will make up for it next Monday 😉
With love,
SIDE NOTE: a cozy blanket for just a diapered baby! Also, the Moby wrap or Solly Baby Wrap are my go to for diapered skin on skin time that is hands free! Lastly, of course, the diaper. I use HONEST brand 🙂
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