Mommy Monday Weeks 1-2
The Love Bubble
So sorry for promising these posts and taking so long to get them started! …The love bubble is a real thing, and I’m so not ready to pop it yet . I’ve been enjoying every snuggle, smile, sad little cry, spit ups, all the funny faces, and so much more. Taking it all in, and I’m so glad I did because 2 weeks have already flown by.
I’ll get into details of the birthing process and how it all went in another post, today’s post is all about my first 2 weeks with this little nugget!
Our First Night
Our first night with her, in the hospital, I looked over to my left at my incredible hubby sleeping contently, then to my right to see this unfamiliar little face. She looked so much like me, while looking SO unlike me! I remember thinking, she’s mine? She’s so tan, with such dark hair!!! I must have sat there staring wondering if I was allowed to pick her up yet (or do I wait for her to start crying first?). She felt so foreign to me and I was completely unsure what to do. Couple that with being so sore, sleepy and in a haze from the day before….but also so happy I could (and did) cry.
I gave birth at 5:24pm. She was 9lbs 7.5oz and 19 3/4inches long! Our hospital does skin-on-skin for 45 minutes as soon as she arrives (before weighing or anything else). The reason they do this is they say it helps the baby connect and latch. It sure did… within 20 minutes this hungry little hippo was looking for the boob! She fed for 30mins as I stared at her… I CAN’T BELIEVE I MADE A HUMAN!!!! She then went over to dad for some skin-on-skin time. Looking over at Coulter whispering to her will forever be one of my favorite memories! Another notable memory was the nurse who turned Senna around before she passed her off to Coulter saying, “just in case you wanted to see how cute her little butt was.” I did!!! It was dang cute!!!
At exactly 24hrs we took baby’s final test and headed home! We were missing our own bed, had Sav, Cole, Everleigh, Posie, and my mom waiting at our house, and we were ready to get home. The first few days back were a blur…between all the visitors, and the feedings every 2 hours. Senna was on the verge of jaundice and I had to feed every 1.5-2hrs until she passed her test (she finally did on day 6!) i still can’t believe the overwhelming feeling of being fully responsible for this tiny, sleepy human.
Our First Weeks
I did all the things I swore I wouldn’t! I was adamant I would NEVER co-sleep. Well, when you’re feeding every 1.5-2hrs, your baby book knowledge goes out the door and you move the Dockatot between you and your hubby and co-sleep.
She refused to sleep in the Snoo, and hated being anywhere that wasn’t directly next to a human…. So, she won that round! (We’re now slowly transitioning her to the Snoo, and she seems to be taking it to it more now… fingers crossed!).
We also decided that the 10 steps out of our room to her nursery changing table were too much at 3am, and that changing her on a pad in our bed was clearly the better option. That back fired… literally. One morning, post feeding, we jointly decided to change her diaper. We prepared for her to start peeing the second we took off her diaper, yes… that is something she surprised us with quite a bit and we now thought we had her figured out. As I sat there holding the diaper flap waiting to close back up once the peeing started….. she decided to up her game. SURPRISE! A shot of liquid poop came flying out onto my hands, my stomach, and our bed. I sat there in my nursing bra and undies in shock, turned to look at Coulter, and we both couldn’t help but start dying laughing. He finished up diaper duty, while I put the sheets in the wash and myself in the shower. Needless to say, we now walk to the changing table.
There are so many other adorable stories, funny moments, and sleepy mom times I’d love to share… but it’s my b-day and we are about to drop off the little one to Grandma’s house and head out on a date. So more to come next Monday!!!
In the mean time, here are a quick bullet points to sum up week 1-2!
She opens one eye (usually the left) to see what’s happening before deciding if she wants to open both and fully wake up.
Yes, she is genuinely that sleepy!
When I burp her she sticks both arms out and lifts both eyebrows up (it’s one of my favorite faces she makes and it cracks me up)
She’s got these long dark eyelashes (they make me and my blonde lashes super jealous ;p)
During tummy time she kicks both legs & we’ve nicknamed her creepy crawler during this time!
For part of my b-day present Coulter put a pen in her hand and helped her “write me” a card. It was the cutest.
Week 1 Shopping Guide:
**Every week I’ll add links to what products I’m currently loving and what is saving my mom life right now. Look to the bottom of each Mommy Monday post for a weekly shopping guide.
Dockatot co-sleepers
Little Giraffe blankets
The SNOO crib
Hatch nightlight
Love you all lots and more to come soon!
With love,

Beautiful story! Cannot wait to see her grow up and you and Coulter as great parents! ❤️
😀 Me too!
a lovely story can’t wait to hear more
🙂 Every week!!!
Love you so much Chantelle! It would mean so much if you checked out my most recent post. My account is @labrants_fishers LOVE YOU AND SENNA TO PIECES! PLEASE FOLLOW ME. I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!
Thank you for sharing your stories and life with us, Chantelle! It really means a lot and I know your fans, including myself, appreciate it very much!
That’s amazing to hear! It’s so therapeutic writing about mom life 🙂 Glad you’re enjoying it as well though!
This is sooo precious she is genuinely like the most beautiful baby I have ever bet seen! She is gorgeous! No surprise with Chantelle as her mama but wow she looks like a perfect match of both mom and dad! Congrats!
That’s so incredibly sweet of you!!!
Aww bless you all. Hope you are having an amazing adventure with her.
She’s super adorable and cute.
Congratulations ❤️
Awww 🙂 Thank you so much
Was she 9lbs or 7lbs?! This post says 9 but your pic on your feed says 7? She’s adorable!! Congrats.
Oops! Good catch. 7lbs 9.5oz 😉