July 7, 2021

Tropical Barbie

Don’t be afraid of bright colors

In my 20s especially I went through a major black/white only phase. I was afraid of colors, I think. Or just thought it looked cooler to be subdued? Either way, my now husband then bf complimented me when I wore a bright color and said something along the lines of “you should wear color more, it suits you”. Flashforward to me, married in my 30s and color fills my closet. I will say, it takes a second to get used to. Figuring out how to compliment colors with accent colors, etc… but, it sure is more fun 😉

Tropical Barbie takes hawaii 😉 in a pink dress from Wayf, dolce vita heels, and an Uncommon James necklace. I’d typically top with this bag as well…

Get the Look

With love,

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