Moving with a baby!!! Mommy Monday
Trying: is the word that best describes the situation.
Followed closely by tired.
But, trumped by excitement.
Of course!!
Yes, of course, the week that Senna started the “leap of the world of relationships” (according to The Wonder Weeks app) would align perfectly with our move into our new home. Basically, she realized that she & I are not the same person, and that I can leave a room and not be there with her anymore. Yup. Perfect timing.
Rest assured packing while holding a baby, even in a Solly wrap, is trying!
Next up: Sleep regression. Granted, I am self aware enough to know that I was spoiled with a sleepy child, & I try to not take that for granted. After many hours of Mommy and Me classes hearing the stories of sleep deprivation, I am fully aware of how sleep deprived moms can actually be!
Side note: Senna was referred to as “Sleepy Senna” on many occasions by our AMAZING teacher. Mainly because she slept through almost every class, loud singing included!
But, the 4 month sleep regression started around 4.5 months, & I decided (for some insane reason) to start the “cry it out” method right before we packed up to move.
**More on this later!! BUT OMG it is heartbreaking, any moms with sleep training tips feel free to send them my way 😉
Also, the Snoo is still my #1 recommendation for getting babies to sleep! I have 3 friends with babies on their way and that and the Owlet have been my first recs! I really do think it is a HUGE reason why Senna slept about 10 hours on average a night from 2 months on… and why her “sleep regression” has been fairly easy compared to stories I’ve heard! IT. IS. AMAZING.
Snoo = Helps baby sleep
Owlet = Helps me sleep (since it moniters the baby’s heart and oxygen levels it keeps me from waking up and checking on her constantly through the night)
Sleep deprivation, a child who needs to stay in the same room as you, and packing = A great combo
I wish I had some brilliant secret tips for you all! I think the only one I currently can come up with is, spend money on strong coffee & stay calm. It’s taking longer than expected to unpack, but I turned on some music and we’ve been dancing our way through it!! I also have just thrown every box I don’t want to deal with into the garage…. are those supposed to be for cars?
Now off to unpack some more.
…and avoid going into my garage!
We started eating oatmeal. SO fun! I went with this brand because it’s a female founded company and it’s organic + has probiotics!
Starting solids this week!!! So, if anyone has any advise PLEASEEEEE tell me! From high chairs, to types of food (making your own vs brands), to spoons/plates, and everything in between!
With love, Chantelle Paige-Mulligan
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